Date Taxes Become Due Taxes become due and payable to the Collector on November 1st with a discount of 4% if paid in November, 3% in December, 2% in January and 1% in February. Taxes become delinquent April 1st. Taxes are levied on a calendar-year basis, being paid in arrears for the period January 1st - December 31st.
For more information on Taxes, please visit the web site of the HIGHLANDS COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR.
The Public Relations Officer is the first point of contact for the general public and employees of other agencies. When relevant this person will directly assist said persons in the completion of forms prescribed by the Department of Revenue, most often homestead exemption applications. Other duties include handling calls, inquiries, deliveries and the processing of other various forms.
If you are interested in applying for this position, please download and complete the Application for Employment form.
When you are ready to bring in your application, please ask for Susan.